The Hicksville School Foundation is now accepting nominations for the Crystal Apple Awards. The Foundation’s Crystal Apple Awards will be presented at the Hicksville School Foundation’s fundraising event, Donkey Basketball, to take place on Monday, March 7, 2016, in the school gymnasium. One award will be presented in each of four categories:
1. Elementary Teacher of the Year
This category includes regular or special education teachers, Pre-K through 6, who have taught in the district for at least three years prior to the current school year.
2. Middle School – High School Teacher of the Year
This category includes regular or special education teachers Grade 7 through 12, who have taught in the district for at least three years prior to the current school year.
3. Outstanding Support Staff Member
This category includes employees who serve the district in a non-teaching capacity, including administrators, aides, bus drivers, cooks, custodial/maintenance staff, secretaries, and school nurse.
4. Keith McDonald Outstanding Community Partner
This category recognizes an individual, organization, or business from the community who has made an impact on the district through an investment of time, talent, and treasure for the good of Hicksville Village Schools.
Nominating Procedure
All district residents, students, parents, Hicksville HS alumni, and school employees are invited to nominate any district teacher, support staff member, or community member to receive the Crystal Apple Award by filling out the included nomination form and submitting it by 3:00 p.m. on Friday, February 12, 2016.
Nominations become the property of the Hicksville School Foundation. Nominations will be considered by the Board of Directors of the Hicksville School Foundation, and those members will make the final selection of the award winner for each category. Awards will be presented on March 7, 2016 at the Hicksville School Foundation event. In honor of all four award winners, the Hicksville School Foundation will present a $500 honorarium to the Elementary Teacher of the Year and to the Middle – High School Teacher of the Year to be used for a project within their classrooms. The nomination form should be turned in by 3:00 p.m. on Friday, February 12, 2016 to the Superintendent’s Office or by sending it to:
Hicksville Village Schools
Attn: HSF Nomination Form
958 East High Street
Hicksville, OH 43526