Hicksville Exempted Village Schools

Regular Meeting of the Board of Education

April 20, 2020



The Hicksville Exempted Village Schools Board of Education met in regular session on Monday, April 20, 2020 at 5:30 p.m. via virtual communication.  The meeting was opened by President, Jennifer Caryer, with the following Board members answering roll call:  Minda Jones, Craig Eiden, Stephanie Mazur, Galen Methvin, and Jennifer Caryer.



Stephanie Mazur moved and Galen Methvin seconded the motion to approve resolution 2020-04 declaring an emergency and suspending board policy related to public participation at board meetings.   


Roll call:  Ayes ā€“ Craig Eiden, Minda Jones, Stephanie Mazur, Galen Methvin, and Jennifer Caryer.  Motion Carried 5-0.



Director of Operations ā€“ Eric Bassett 

  • The custodial staff is currently working 3 (8 hour), days per week, sanitizing the building due to the pandemic and beginning summer maintenance.
  • Bleacher inspections have been completed
  • Athletic complex ā€“ Alexander & Bebout expected on site next week
  • Lights have been updated to LED
  • Gymnasium floor ā€“ will see if the flooring contractor can begin early
  • Dedication ceremony for solar array will be in the future
  • Looking to replace waterless urinals with traditional water urinals
  • Trash pick up has been changed from three times per week to 1 time per week.



The following items were discussed by the building principals.



Elementary School ā€“ Kirsten Coffman

  • Kindergarten registration was held the week before the mandated closure.  70 students for kindergarten and 15 for the Readiness program.
  • On-line learning is continuing during the shut-down.



Middle School ā€“ Andy Hunter

  • Commented on on-line learning, specifically Padlet and Zoom. 
  • Trying to finish the school year by having fun, and keeping kids engaged.
  • Planning for the next school year has begun.



High School ā€“ Jeff Slattery

  • The Senior, New York City trip refund is still a work in process.  Contacting vendors while New York City is closed down has been very difficult. 
  • OHSAA spring sports are cancelled.  Impact on fall sports is being reviewed.
  • On-line learning  (expectations and challenges)
  • The school budget is looking good.
  • Several retirements were submitted



Four County Career Center ā€“ Dennis Vetter




Superintendent ā€“ Keith Countryman

  • Plan is to follow the current school year calendar
  • Participating in a lot of Zoom meetings
  • An average of 70 ā€“ 80 meals a day have been distributed at the Grace United Methodist Church, on Monday thru Friday from 11:00 a.m. ā€“ 12:00 p.m.  
  • The School Foundation will help the District regarding laptops

A huge shout out to Pastor Susan Kronbach and her crew, for assisting with this program.



Stephanie Mazur moved and Galen Methvin seconded the motion to approve the consent agenda.


Roll call:  Ayes ā€“ Craig Eiden, Minda Jones, Stephanie Mazur, Galen Methvin, and Jennifer Caryer.  Motion Carried 5-0.



Minda Jones moved and Craig Eiden seconded the motion to approve the following as stated.


  1. Minutes from the regular board meeting on February 17, 2020, special board meeting on March 18, 2020, and special board meeting on March 26, 2020.
  2. Treasurerā€™s Consent Agenda Items
  3. Accept the following donations:



  • Approve Cash Reconciliation as of February 29, 2020 and 

March 31, 2020.

b.   Approve Financial Statements for February 2020 and March 2020.

c.   Approve Amended Certificate of Estimated Resources for Fiscal Year 2020 as presented, total General Fund Resources of $14,160,989.52 and total Resources for all funds of $24,609,602.91

d.   Approve Fiscal Year 2020 Amended Permanent Appropriations as presented, total General Fund Appropriations of $10,906,806.44 and total Appropriations for all funds of $19,747,140.18

e.   Approve the following historical Scholarships as stand alone Private Purpose Trust Funds in order to increase transparency and accountability:

  • Noah Karacson Scholarship Fund (Fund 007-9090)
  • Parker Hannifin Scholarship Fund (Fund 007-9091)
  • Francesca Heart Scholarship Fund (Fund 007-9092)

                          $   200.00 from Jim Schmidt for HHS Musical

$   500.00 from Bob and Shelly Weatherhead for scholarship in memory of memory of Francesca Weatherhead     


Roll call:  Ayes ā€“ Craig Eiden, Minda Jones, Stephanie Mazur, Galen Methvin, and Jennifer Caryer.  Motion Carried 5-0.



Stephanie Mazur moved and Craig Eiden seconded the motion to approve the following as stated.

  • Recommend to approve Mike Ruen as Public Records Training Designee.
  • Recommend to approve the updated certified substitute list provided monthly by NwOESC.
  • Recommend to approve the following as a volunteer for the 2019-2020 school year.                     
  • Recommend the following teachers be issued a continuing contract.  
  • Recommend the following teachers be issued a three (3) year limited contract.      
  • Recommend the following teachers be issued a two (2) year limited contract.         
  • Recommend to approve the following supplemental contracts for the 2020-2021 school year.     
  • Recommend to approve the updated classified substitute list provided monthly by NwOESC.
  • Recommend issuing a continuing contract to the following classified staff. 
  • Recommend issuing a two (2) year contract to the following classified staff.            
  • Recommend issuing a five (5) year administrative contract to 
  • Recommend issuing a three (3) year administrative contract to 
  • Recommend to approve the following supplemental contracts for the 2020-2021 school year.     
  • Recommend to approve a service agreement with Northwest Ohio Educational Service Center (NwOESC) per Ohio Revised Code 3313.845.  This agreement will begin on July 1, 2020, and shall terminate on
  • Recommend to approve the following new/revised Board of Education Bylaws/Policies:
  • Recommend to extend recognition and congratulations to the High School cheerleaders for their OASSA state championship held at Pickerington High School on February 29, 2020.


Roll call:  Ayes ā€“ Craig Eiden, Minda Jones, Stephanie Mazur, Galen Methvin, and Jennifer Caryer.  Motion Carried 5-0.

Galen Methvin moved and Stephanie Mazur seconded the motion to approve the following as stated.


                        Kelly VanHorn ā€“ Track


                        Andrew Gahagan           Kelly VanHorn


                        Zach Kohlmeier              Jarod Rosebrock

                                              Tim Shock


                        Carrie Bussing                Erin Montgomery

                        David Mohr                   Emily Rodesh

                                      Amanda Willitzer



                        Jamie Altman ā€“ Co-Head Cross Country Coach

                        Jamie Altman ā€“ Co-Jr. High Cross Country Coach

                        Jamie Altman ā€“ Co-Mini-Aces Cross Country Coach

                        Sean Bergman ā€“ Assistant Golf Coach

                        Nikki Bostelman ā€“ Head Volleyball Coach

                        Jeff Haught ā€“ Head Golf Coach

                        A.J. Klausing ā€“ Assistant Football Coach

                        Ryan Miser ā€“ Football Special Teams Coach

                        David Mohr ā€“ Assistant Football Coach

                        Paul Payne ā€“ Co-Head Cross Country Coach

                        Paul Payne ā€“ Co-Head Jr. High Cross Country Coach

                        Paul Payne ā€“ Co-Mini-Aces Cross Country Coach

                        Lucas Smith ā€“ Head Football Coach              

                        Lucas Smith ā€“ Mini-Aces Football Coach


Roll call:  Ayes ā€“ Craig Eiden, Minda Jones, Stephanie Mazur, Galen Methvin, and Jennifer Caryer.  Motion Carried 5-0.


Minda Jones moved and Craig Eiden seconded the motion to approve the following as stated.


                        Jennifer Bowman           Greg Slattery

                                     Laura Wofford  


  Recommend issuing a one (1) year contract to the following classified staff.    


                        Trista Franklin                 Shelly Weatherhead

                        Mariah Stevenson          Sandy Zuber

Eric Bassett as Director of Operations beginning July 1, 2020 and 

ending June 30, 2025.   

John Adams as Director of Operations Assistant beginning 

July 1, 2020 and ending June 30, 2023.   


                        Dave Bains ā€“ Football Coordinator

                        Brent Brickel ā€“ Head Jr. High Football Coach

                        Jon Diehl ā€“ Assistant Football Coach

                                          Eddie Tunis ā€“ Assistant Jr. High Football Coach


Roll call:  Ayes ā€“ Craig Eiden, Minda Jones, Stephanie Mazur, Galen Methvin, and Jennifer Caryer.  Motion Carried 5-0.



Craig Eiden moved and Minda Jones seconded the motion to approve the following as stated.

June 30, 2021.  The total projected cost is $592,438.36.


Roll call:  Ayes ā€“ Craig Eiden, Minda Jones, Stephanie Mazur, Galen Methvin, and Jennifer Caryer.  Motion Carried 5-0.



Stephanie Mazur moved and Galen Methvin seconded the motion to approve the following as stated.

                                          1520 ā€“ Employment of Administrators

                                          2464 ā€“ Gifted Education and Identification

                                          3120 ā€“ Employment of Professional Staff

                                          3120.04 ā€“ Employment of Substitutes            

                                          3120.05 ā€“ Employment of Personnel Insummer School and                                                                         Adult Education Programs

                                          3120.08 ā€“ Employment of Personnel for Co-Curricular/                                                                                  Extra-Curricular Activities

                                          4120 ā€“ Employment of Classified Staff

                                          4120.08 ā€“ Employment of Personnel for Co-Curricular/

                                              Extra-Curricular Activities

                                          4124 ā€“ Employment Contract

                                          4162 ā€“ Drug and Alcohol Testing of CDL License Holders and                                                                     Other Employees Who Perform Safety Sensitive Functions

                                          5460 ā€“ Graduation Requirements

                                          5460.02 ā€“ Credit Flexibility Option (CFO)

                                          6107 ā€“ Authorization to Accept and Distribute Electronic                                                                               Records and to use Electronic Signatures

  • Recommend to extend recognition and congratulations to the following High School students for their superior award ratings at the Regional Science Fair held at Archbold on February 29, 2020.  

                        Kyler Baird                            Haven McAlexander

                        Taylor Early                           Taylor Metz

                        Emily Harmon                       Mariah Salinas

                                                                      Emma Shuman


Roll call:  Ayes ā€“ Craig Eiden, Minda Jones, Stephanie Mazur, Galen Methvin, and Jennifer Caryer.  Motion Carried 5-0.



A discussion was held on the following items.


  • Budget due to school closure
  • Building project
  • Bus fleet

Craig Eiden moved and Minda Jones seconded the motion to consider the appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, demotion,or compensation of a public employee or official, or issuing suspension, or termination of a license, or the investigation of charges or complaints against a public employee, official licensee, or regulated individual unless the public employee, official, licensee, or regulated individual requests a public hearing.


Roll call:  Ayes ā€“ Craig Eiden, Minda Jones, Stephanie Mazur, Galen Methvin, and Jennifer Caryer.  Motion Carried 5-0


The Board entered executive session at 7:15 p.m.

The Board exited executive session at 8.07 p.m.



Minda Jones moved and Galen Methvin seconded the motion to adjourn this meeting until the next regular board meeting to be held on Monday, May 18, 2020 at 5:30 p.m. via virtual communication.


Roll call:  Ayes ā€“ Craig Eiden, Minda Jones, Stephanie Mazur, Galen Methvin, and Jennifer Caryer.  Motion Carried 5-0.  Time 8:08 p.m.


_____________________________________    _____________________________________

                  Board President                                                       Treasurer