Regular Meeting of the Board of Education

March 12, 2018


The Hicksville Exempted Village Schools Board of Education met in regular session on Monday, March 12 at 6:00 p.m. in the Community Room.  The meeting was opened by President, Minda Jones, with the following Board members answering roll call:

Jennifer Caryer, Craig Eiden, Minda Jones, Stephanie Mazur, and Jared Wonderly.


Jennifer Caryer moved and Craig Eiden seconded to approve the following proclamation.



WHEREAS, Malika Haver has completed the 2017-2018 season

by qualifying as a team member for the OHSAA State Gymnastics Tournament; and


WHEREAS, it is especially desirous at this time to publcily express

the appreciation of the Hicksville Administration and Board of

Education and commend this athlete and her coaches for this fine

achievement; and


WHEREAS, it is proper and fitting to accord official recognition to

this athlete and coaching staff for this outstanding example of what

dedication and talent can accomplish;


NOW, THEREFORE, we as the Administration and Members of

the Hicksville Exempted Village Schools Board of Education,

issue this proclamation as a tribute of appreciation from the

entire Hicksville Exempted Village School District and urge our

citizenry to approve and support those events that honor this

fine young adult and her coaches for bringing recognition and

honor to the Hicksville Exempted Village School District.


IN WITNESS THEREOF, we have hereunto subscribed our

names and have properly entered this resolution into the

minutes of the Hicksville Exempted Village Schools Board of

Education meeting this 12th day of March, Two Thousand



Roll call:  Ayes ā€“  Jennifer Caryer, Craig Eiden, Minda Jones, Stephanie Mazur, and Jared Wonderly.





Andy Hunter, Middle School Prinicpal, was present to discuss the National Amazing Shake Competition that recently took place at the Ron Clark Academy in Atlanta.   He then introduced Joda Freese and Katie Chapman who participated in the event.  They presented a short PowerPoint presentation detailing the activities that took place.


Jay Turnbull and Barry Parsons then spoke  to the board about the possiblity of implementing an Athletic Hall of Fame.  This would consist of a video board monitor that may be located in the Commons area for all to view as they wish.  Mr. Parsons noted that this is currently being implemented at Defiance City Schools and is quite well received. The Board would like to form a committee and proceed at a later date.





Kiersten Coffman, Elementary School Principal, discussed the following.


Family Literacy Night                                  Math Club Party

Kindergarten and 1st Grade program directed by Mr. Chris Olsen

There are 78 children currently registered for Kindergarten screening

PRIDE for 3rd and 4th Grade



Andy Hunter, Middle School Principal, discussed the following.


Evaluations                                                   State Testing

Student of the Quarter Luncheon             Spring Break

7th Grade Boys Basketball Tournament  Band/Choir Concert

8th Grade visit at Four County Career Center



Jeff Slattery, High School Principal, discussed the following.


15 Students Visit to APT/Stoett Industries/Gordon Creek Granite For Skilled Trades

Academic Team ā€“ GMC 4th Place            APT Training Interviews

Senior Coronation                                       Spring Band/Choir Concert                                   Innovative Interviews                                  Winter Sports/Clubs Congratulations

Senior Class Field Trip                               High School Musical

Junior Class Field Trip to Four County Career Center

Student Council Student Exchange Program

ACT Testing





There was nothing to report.





Mr. Countryman reported that there will be an introduction and meeting on Monday, March 19th at 6:00 p.m.





Keith Countryman, Superintendent, discussed the following.

April 7th ā€“ Land Auction                               Student/Parent Safety Meetings

Safety Glass                                                 Updating Staff Keyfobs/Badges

Athletic Facilties                                           Bus Lease/Purchase Options

Security Buzzer System for Outside Entrances ā€“ $5485.00 (estimated cost)

Solar Project Contract ā€“ Not yet completed by the school attorneys





Stephanie Mazur moved and Jennifer Caryer seconded the motion to remove the following items from the consent agenda.


  • Recommend to approve the following supplemental contracts for the 2018-2019 school year. (pending certification and background check)


A.J. Klausing ā€“ Assistant Special Teams Football Coach

Ryan Miser ā€“ Assistant Football Coordinator


  • Recommend to approve the following supplemental contracts for the 2018-2019 school year. (pending certification and background check)


Brent Brickel ā€“ Jr. High Football Coach

Jon Diehl ā€“ Assistant Football Coach

Ed Tunis ā€“ Assistant Jr. High Football Coach


Roll call:  Ayes ā€“  Jennifer Caryer, Craig Eiden, Minda Jones, Stephanie Mazur, and Jared Wonderly.





Jared Wonderly moved and Craig Eiden seconded the motion to approve the following as stated.


  1. Minutes from the regular board meeting on February 12, 2018 and work session on February 12, 2018.



  1. Treasurerā€™s Report


  1. Cash Reconciliation as of February 2018.
  2. Financial Statements for February 2018.



  1. Accept the following donations:


$   75.00 from Collins & Guilford Wealth Advisors LLC for Track

$  200.00 from Jim Schmidt Family of Dealerships for Track

$  250.00 from Nancy Meek for Scholarship in memory of

Noah Karacson

$  265.00 from Various Donors in memory of Eddie Huston

$  300.00 from Parent Teacher Organization for Middle School                                                              Supply Store

$  500.00 from Mike & Marlene Wolfrum for Scholarship in                                                                  memory of Noah Karacson

$  500.00 from Bob & Shelly Weatherhead for Scholarship in

memory of Francesca Weatherhead

$  785.00 from Various Donors in memory of David Michael


Roll call:  Ayes ā€“  Jennifer Caryer, Craig Eiden, Minda Jones, Stephanie Mazur, and Jared Wonderly.



Craig Eiden moved and Stephanie Mazur seconded the motion to approve the following as stated.


  • Recommend to approve Melissa Tope as Public Records Training Designee.


Roll call:  Ayes ā€“  Jennifer Caryer, Craig Eiden, Minda Jones, Stephanie Mazur, and Jared Wonderly.










Stephanie Mazur moved and Jennifer Caryer seconded the motion to approve the following as stated.


  • Recommend to approve the following supplemental contract for the 2017-2018 school year.


Elaine Gerken ā€“ High School Musical Director


  • Recommend to approve the following as PRIDE Teachers at a rate of $26.88 per hour for the 2017-2018 school year.


Heather Chapman                    Alex North

Dianne Culler                             Jessica Saunders

Linda Lindquist                          Lisa Slattery

Loretta Mendenhall                   Angie Smith

Beth Stuckey


  • Recommend to approve the following supplemental contracts for the  2018-2019 school year.  (pending certification and background check)


Alex North ā€“ Assistant Jr. High Volleyball Coach

Lisa Slattery ā€“ Assistant Volleyball Coach


Roll call:  Ayes ā€“  Jennifer Caryer, Craig Eiden, Minda Jones, Stephanie Mazur, and Jared Wonderly.





Jared Wonderly moved and Jennifer Caryer seconded the motion to approve the following as stated.


  • Recommend to approve the following supplemental contracts for the 2017-2018 school year.  (pending certification and background check)


Lisa Early ā€“ Co-Prom Advisor

Danelle Myers ā€“ Co-Prom Advisor


  • Recommend to approve the following supplemental contracts for the 2018-2019 school year.  (pending certification and background check)


Eric Bassett ā€“ Assistant Golf Coach

Angie Freese ā€“ Jr. High Volleyball Coach

Jake North ā€“ Weight Room Strength/Conditioning Coach

Carmen Vasquez ā€“ Freshman Volleyball Coach


Roll call:  Ayes ā€“  Jennifer Caryer, Craig Eiden, Minda Jones, Stephanie Mazur, and Jared Wonderly.





Craig Eiden moved and Jared Wonderly seconded the motion to approve the following as stated.


  • Recommend to approve a service agreement with Northwest Ohio Educational Service Center (NwOESC) per Ohio Revised Code 3313.845.  This agreement will begin on July 1, 2018, and shall terminate on June 30, 2019.


  • Recommend to approve a Special Education service agreement with Northwest Ohio Educational Service Center (NwOESC) for the     2018-2019 school year per Ohio Revised Code 3313.845.  The total projected cost is $522,335.00.


Roll call:  Ayes ā€“  Jennifer Caryer, Craig Eiden, Minda Jones, Stephanie Mazur, and Jared Wonderly.



Jennifer Caryer moved and Stephanie Mazur seconded the motion to approve the following as stated.


  • Recommend to approve the following.







As the Hicksville Exempted Village School District Board of Education (ā€œBoardā€)

has entered into an agreement under R.C. 3313.843 and/or R.C. 3313.845 to

receive any services from the Northwest Ohio Educational Service Center

Governing Board (ā€œESCā€), the Board is not required to appoint a business

advisory council pursuant to R.C. 3313.82, R.C. 3313.821, and applicable laws

as the Board and ESC hereby agree that the ESCā€™s business advisory council

shall represent the business of the Hicksville Exempted Village School District

consistent with the authority granted by the Ohio General Assembly. This

agreement shall remain in full force and effect until either the Board or ESC

terminates the same by formal resolution.


Roll call:  Ayes ā€“  Jennifer Caryer, Craig Eiden, Minda Jones, Stephanie Mazur, and Jared Wonderly.





Jared Wonderly moved and Craig Eiden seconded the motion to approve the following as stated.

  • Recommend to approve the school calendar for the 2018-2019 school year.


  • Recommend to extend recognition and congratulations to the following middle school students for representing Hicksville at the National Shake Competition in Atlanta on February 9, 2018 ā€“ February 11, 2018.

Katie Chapman                    Joda Freese


  • Recommend to extend recognition and congratulations to Miciah Ankney for representing Hicksville at the OHSAA District Wrestling Tournament.


  • Recommend to extend recognition and congratulations to the 7th Grade Boys Basketball team for finishing first place at the Hicksville Tournament.


  • Recommend to extend recognition and congratulations to the Varsity Boys Basketball team for their GMC Championship and their Sectional Tournament Championship.



  • Recommend to extend recognition to Science Fair Advisor Kathy Laney, faculty members, and a host of volunteers, for their work and dedication to the students in preparation for the Science Fair.


  • Recommend to extend recognition and congratulations to the following High School students for their superior award ratings at the Science Fair held on February 12, 2018.


Laney Balser                                    Michael Myers

Katelyn Bergman                 Noelle Nuttle

Angela Betz                          Emma Payne

Sophie Clark                        Emily Sanders

Janice Green                                    Micah Schroeder

Samantha Klima                  Isaac Strubing

Ethan Laney                         Makayla Sullivan

Taylor Larry                          Nathalie Swenson

Maddie Lister                       Joshua Swift

Kalista McKinney                 Parker Thiel

Alexa Michael                      Lexi Witte

Mackenzie Miller                 Peyton Yoder


  • Recommend to extend recognition and congratulations to the following High School students for their superior award ratings at the Regional Science Fair held on March 3, 2018.


Angela Betz                          Mackenzie Miller

Samantha Klima                  Emma Payne

Taylor Larry                          Micah Schroeder

Alexa Michael                      Makayla Sullivan

Joshua Swift


Roll call:  Ayes ā€“  Jennifer Caryer, Craig Eiden, Minda Jones, Stephanie Mazur, and Jared Wonderly.



Jennifer Caryer moved and Jared Wonderly seconded the motion to approve the following as stated.


WHEREAS, school violence has become an epidemic in the United States of America;

WHEREAS, the children and school employees of our nation deserve to attend school without fear of death or injury, and their families deserve to send them to school without the same fear;

WHEREAS, there is a mutual responsibility of all citizens to address this problem and the responsibility for preventing violent incidents cannot be relegated to school districts alone;

WHEREAS, multiple studies have shown that the majority of Americans support action to eliminate violence in our schools;

WHEREAS, school board members, administrators, employees and community members should work together with lawmakers, legal counsel, law enforcement and security experts to determine how best to ensure student safety in their district;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Hicksville Exempted Village Schools Board of Education implores the President of the United States, the Governor of the State of Ohio, the United States Congress, and the Ohio General Assembly to prioritize the protection of students and school employees by enacting legislation with funding for the following:

  1. Enhanced mental health services and substance abuse treatment so that all individuals, including children, have sufficient access to these services.
  2. Increased access to school safety measures, including, but not limited to, School Resource Officers (SROs), school safety infrastructure, and other                    security measures designed to protect students and staff from an active                            shooter on school grounds.
  3. Training for school employees and enhanced coordination with law                           enforcement agencies and first responders to ensure appropriate responses to               incidents of violence in schools.
  4. Preserving the balance between the right to own firearms and the protection of     students and school employees from any act of violence.

Roll call:  Ayes ā€“  Jennifer Caryer, Craig Eiden, Minda Jones, Stephanie Mazur, and Jared Wonderly.





  • Auction at Old Elementary School Site ā€“ April 7, 2018 @ 9:30 a.m.
  • Telephone Contract ā€“ It was decided to pay total amount due





  • Safety Measures
  • Hicksville School Foundation Trivia Night ā€“ April 28, 2018 @ 7:00 p.m.





At 7:55 p.m., Craig Eiden moved and Jared Wonderly seconded the motion to hold an executive session for the following matter, with no action taken.


To consider the appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, demotion,

or compensation of a public employee or official, or issuing suspension, or

termination of a license, or the investigation of charges or complaints against

a public employee, official licensee, or regulated individual unless the public

employee, official, licensee, or regulated individual requests a public hearing.


Roll call:  Ayes ā€“  Jennifer Caryer, Craig Eiden, Minda Jones, Stephanie Mazur, and Jared Wonderly.


The board reconvened at 9:26 p.m.




Upon motion properly moved, the meeting adjourned.  The next regular board meeting will be Monday, April 9, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. in the Community Room.