Finance Committee Meeting

April 25, 2018


The Hicksville Exempted Village Finance Committee met in Regular Session on Wednesday, April 25 , 2018, at 6:00 p.m. in the Library.  The meeting was opened by Melissa Tope with the following members present:   Keith Countryman, Jennifer Caryer, Craig Eiden, Michal Mazur, John McCalla, Denny Vetter, Chad Yoder, Keith Countryman, and Melissa Tope.





The Committee discussed and asked of the following:


  • Bus Fleet
  • The possiblity of establishing a ā€œTransportationā€ account within the general fund with itā€™s own special cost center.
  • Maintenance & gas expenses per bus per year
  • Follow up as to problems with each bus
  • Look into placing activities (sports, etc.) onto one (1) bus rather than multiple
  • Contracting gas prices
  • Purchasing cards with rebates
  • Collaborative effort with other schools to purchase buses
  • Assume three (3) buses on forecast


  • Cafeteria
  • The Committee requested the cost of meals, along with fixed costs, be calculated for the next meeting.





Craig Eiden moved and Jennifer Caryer seconded to adjourn this meeting until the next Finance Committee meeting to be held on Monday, May 14, 2018 at 6:00 p.m.


** Vote:  Ayes ā€“ Jennifer Caryer, Craig Eiden, Michal Mazur, John McCalla, Denny Vetter, and Chad Yoder

Motion carried 6-0.