REGULAR BOARD  MEETING December 10, 2018

6:00 p.m.


The Hicksville Exempted Village Schools Board of Education met in Regular Session on Monday, December 10, 2018, at 6:00 p.m. in the Community Room.  The meeting was opened by President Minda Jones with the following Board members answering roll call:  Jennifer Caryer, Craig Eiden, Minda Jones, Stephanie Mazur, and Jared Wonderly.





Director of Operations Report

Eric Bassett, Director of Operation, presented the following update:

  • Bleacher inspections
  • General winter cleaning

Principal Reports                                                       

  • Elementary
  • Middle School
  • High School
  •  Four County Career Center Report
  • Superintendentā€™s Report  
  • Kirsten Coffman, Elementary Principal, discussed the following:

               11/30/18   Principalā€™s Math Club (21 students)

                                                      ā€œPower of a Positive Phone Callā€

                                                      3rdGrade Air Tests released today

                                                            81% passed

                                                                        12 students didnā€™t pass 

                                                                                    2 move-inā€™s

                                                                                    3 ELL

                                                                                    All IEP passed

  • Large incoming kindergarten classes have left 1stgrade class in 3rdgrade wing
  • 3rdgrade will have 4-sections next school year
  • Running out of classroom space
  • Preschool at capacity in both sessions
  • Currently 20-21 ELL students (up from 1-2 approximately 4-5 years ago)
    • Utilizing translators/software
    • Jessica Saunders currently taking classes to be an ELL teacher
      • Changes in MS schedule will allow Saunders to continue working with these students next year
    • Andy Hunter, Middle School Principal, discussed the following:

                   11/20/18                        MS Spelling Bee

                                                          1stplace - Austin Sanders/2ndplace ā€“ Wyatt Sanders

                                                          BLT ā€“ working to change MS schedule to match HS

                   12/11/18-12/14/18        6thGrade Camp

                   12/14/18                       6th-8thGrade Concert at Huber

                   12/24/18-1/2/18             Christmas Break

                                                          Data Dive with Josh Clark

                   1/11/19                          End of 2ndQuarter

                                                          Trying to schedule specials five times per week

    • Jeff Slattery, High School Principal, discussed the following:
    • Keith Countryman, Superintendent, presented the following:
    • Submitted grant to BWC for Security
    • Worked on BWC grant for special education sensory equipment ($20,000 grant)
    • Pupil Activity Permit

                                                          ā€œBeauty and the Beastā€ casted

                   11/16/18                        NW State and Defiance College

                                                                Not seeing numbers from CCP

                                                                Proposing CAD, Ag, etc. courses

                                                                Checking to see what courses we can provide in the space                                                                           we have.  Theyā€™ll provide us dual-enrollment courses if                                                                         they have the necessary space

                   12/6/18                                Defiance County Drug Free Coallition

                                                                Vaping & Marijuana

                   12/7/18                                Thanksgiving Dinner

                   12/7/18                                Four County Career Center ā€“ Sophomores

                   12/3/18-12/14/18                 Retesting Requirements

                   12/14/18                              HS Concert

                   12/17/18                              ā€œReal World, Real Moneyā€

                   12/17/18                              Route 49 Classic (Champions ā€“ GBK, BBK, Freshmen)


    • Business Advisory Council
      • Quarterly meeting
      • Foster Collaboration
      • Local Economy
    • Grant to cover 75% of cost
    • Working on technology piece





    Stephanie Mazur motioned and Jennifer Caryer seconded to approve the consent agenda as it reads.

    *** Vote: Ayes ā€“ Jennifer Caryer, Craig Eiden, Minda Jones, Stephanie Mazur, and Jared Wonderly.

    Motion carried 5 to 0.





    Jared Wonderly motioned and Craig Eiden seconded to approve the following consent agenda as it reads:


    • Minutes from the regular board meeting on November 19, 2018 and minutes from the work sessions on November 19, 2018 and November 28, 2018.
    • Treasurerā€™s Report    
      • Melissa Tope, Treasurer, presented the following:


    • Cafeteria Fund Balance
    • Levy Info
    • Credit Card Policy
    • Annexation
    • Financial Analysis

                      a.      Cash Reconciliation as of November 2018.

                      b.      Financial Statements for November 2018.



    3.      Accept the following donation:

                               $ 100.00 from Nathan Ferrell for STEM


    *** Vote: Ayes ā€“ Jennifer Caryer, Craig Eiden, Minda Jones, Stephanie Mazur, and Jared Wonderly.

    Motion carried 5 to 0.                   





    Jennifer Caryer motioned and Stephanie Mazur seconded to approve the following as stated:


    • Recommend to approve the following supplemental contracts for the 2018-2019 school year.                   
    • Recommend to approve the following as a volunteer for the 2018-2019 school year.                      
    • Recommend to approve the following supplemental contracts for the 2018-2019 school year.                   
    • Recommend to approve the following as volunteers for the 2018-2019 school year.           
    • Recommend to approve the following new/revised Board of Education Bylaws:
    • Recommend to approve the following new/revised Board of Education Policies:
    • Recommend to transfer $1,764,495.00 from the school districtā€™s STAR Ohio account to the school districtā€™s RedTree Investment Group account, to reflect the $3 million dollar transfer from fiscal year 2016.
    • Recommend to approve a Service Addendum ā€“ Financial Consulting agreement from Public Finance Resourses, Inc. (OSBAā€™s subcontracted service provider).   Consulting services will be in the areas of forecast comparison, analysis, and custom deliverables regarding the school districtā€™s financial forecast.   The date of service will begin December 10, 2018 and end March 9, 2019.


                      Mackenzie Coleman ā€“ Project MORE Advisor (25%)

                      Joy Geiger ā€“ Foreign Language Club Advisor

                      Elaine Gerken ā€“ Drama Club Advisor

                      Elaine Gerken ā€“ High School Musical Director

                      Zach Kohlmeier ā€“ Extra Band (Pep Band-Winter)

                      Kathy Laney ā€“ Academic Team Advisor

                      Kathy Laney ā€“ High School Yearbook Advisor

                      Kathy Laney ā€“ Newspaper Advisor

                      Kathy Laney ā€“ Science Fair Advisor

                      Jay Mast ā€“ Project MORE Advisor (50%)

                      Don Perna ā€“ Assistant Archery Coach

                      Joey Stevenson ā€“ Art Club Advisor

                      Amanda Willitzer ā€“ Project MORE Advisor (25%)



                      Jamie Altman ā€“ Indoor Track



    *** Vote: Ayes ā€“ Jennifer Caryer, Craig Eiden, Minda Jones, Stephanie Mazur, and Jared Wonderly.

    Motion carried 5 to 0.





    Craig Eiden motioned and Jared Wonderly seconded to approve the following as stated:




                      Jennifer Bergman ā€“ High School Musical Director Assistant

                      Pam Slattery ā€“ Elementary Yearbook Advisor




                      Corey Johnsonbaugh ā€“ Mat Maid Advisor

                      Pam Payne ā€“ Indoor Track

    *** Vote: Ayes ā€“ Jennifer Caryer, Craig Eiden, Minda Jones, Stephanie Mazur, and Jared Wonderly.

    Motion carried 5 to 0.




    Jared Wonderly motioned and Jennifer Caryer seconded to approve the following as stated:


                                              0131 ā€“ Legislative

                                              0141.2 ā€“ Conflict of Interest

                                              0164 ā€“ Notice of Meetings

                                              0165.1 ā€“ Regular Meetings

                                              0165.2 ā€“ Special Meetings

                                              0165.3 ā€“ Recess/Adjournment

                                              0166 ā€“ Executive Session

                                              0168 ā€“ Minutes

                                              0169.1 ā€“ Public Participation at Board Meetings


                                              1240.01 ā€“ Non-Reemployment of the Superintendent

                                              1422 ā€“ Nondiscrimination and Equal Employment Opportunity

                                              1541 ā€“ Termination and Resignation

                                              1662 ā€“ Anti-Harassment

                                              2111 ā€“ Parent and Family Engagement

                                              2260 ā€“ Nondiscrimination and Access to Equal Educational                                                                                   Opportunity

                                              2261 ā€“ Title I Services

                                     2261.01 ā€“ Parent and Family Member Participation in Title I                                                                      Programs

                                     2261.03 ā€“ District and School Report Card

                                              3122 ā€“ Nondiscrimination and Equal Employment Opportunity

                                              3140 ā€“ Termination and Resignation       

                                              3362 ā€“ Anti-Harassment

                                              4122 -  Nondiscrimination and Equal Employment Opportunity

                                              4140 ā€“ Termination and Resignation       

                                              4162 ā€“ Drug and Alcohol Testing of CDL License Holders and                                                                                         Other Employees Who Perform Safety Sensitive                                                                                  Functions

                                              4362 ā€“ Anti-Harassment   

                                              5517 ā€“ Anti-Harassment

                                              5610 ā€“ Removal, Suspension, Expulsion, and Permanent                                                                                        Exclusion of Students

                                              5610.02 ā€“ In-School Discipline

                                              5610.03 ā€“ Emergency Removal of Students

                                              5611 ā€“ Due Process Rights

                                              6325 ā€“ Procurement ā€“ Federal Grants/Funds

                                              6423 ā€“ Use of Credit Cards

                                              8141 ā€“ Mandatory Reporting of Misconduct by Licensed                                                                                                    Employees

    *** Vote: Ayes ā€“ Jennifer Caryer, Craig Eiden, Minda Jones, Stephanie Mazur, and Jared Wonderly.

    Motion carried 5 to 0.


    Jared Wonderly motioned and Jennifer Caryer seconded to approve January 14, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. as the date and time for the 2019 Organizational Board Meeting with the Regular Board Meeting to follow, and appoint Minda Jones as President Pro-Tem.


    *** Vote: Ayes ā€“ Jennifer Caryer, Craig Eiden, Stephanie Mazur, and Jared Wonderly.

    Abstain ā€“ Minda Jones

    Motion carried 4 to 0 with 1 abstention





    • Packet indictating what needs to be completed
    • Make sure all correspondence is emailed to ensure we have a paper trail






    Craig Eiden moved and Jennifer Caryer seconded to adjourn this meeting until the next regularly scheduled Board Meeting on Monday, January 14, 2019 that will immediately follow the Organization Meeting that starts at 6:00 p.m.



    *** Vote:  Ayes ā€“ Jennifer Caryer, Craig Eiden, Minda Jones, Stephanie Mazur, and Jared Wonderly.

    Motion carried 5 to 0.


    ______________________________________  ____________________________________

    Board President                                                     Treasurer/C.F.O.




    December 10, 2018

    6:00 p.m.

    Community Room         


    The Hicksville Exempted Village Schools Board of Education met in Work Session on Monday, December 10, 2018, at 6:30 p.m. in the Community Room.  The meeting was opened by President Minda Jones with the following Board members answering roll call:  Jennifer Caryer, Craig Eiden, Minda Jones, Stephanie Mazur, and Jared Wonderly.





    The Board met with the Finance Committee to discuss building a proposed field house, and putting a levy of the May 2019 ballot.


    • Fieldhouse
    • 5-year Forecast
    • Open up to others to help determine the design
    • Would like capital outley broke out
      • PI ā€“ home-side football field bleachers (approximately $200k)




    Craig Eiden moved and Jared Wonderly seconded to adjourn this meeting until the next regularly scheduled Board Meeting on Monday, January 14, 2018.



    *** Vote:  Ayes ā€“ Jennifer Caryer, Craig Eiden, Minda Jones, Stephanie Mazur, and Jared Wonderly.

    Motion carried 5 to 0.


    ________________________________              ____________________________________

    Board President                                                     Treasurer/C.F.O.




    December 19, 2018

    5:00 p.m.


    The Hicksville Exempted Village Schools Board of Education met in Special Session on Wednesday, December 19, 2018, at 5:00 p.m. in the Central Office Conference Room. The meeting was opened by President Minda Jones with the following Board members answering roll call:  Jennifer Caryer, Craig Eiden, Minda Jones, Stephanie Mazur, and Jared Wonderly.





    Jennifer Caryer moved and Stephanie Mazur seconded to approve the following as stated:



    *** Vote: Ayes ā€“ Jennifer Caryer, Craig Eiden, Minda Jones, Stephanie Mazur, and Jared Wonderly.

    Motion carried 5 to 0.



    SERVICES AND AGREEMENTS                   


    Stepahnei Mazur moved and Craig Eiden seconded to approve the following as stated:      



    *** Vote: Ayes ā€“ Jennifer Caryer, Craig Eiden, Minda Jones, Stephanie Mazur, and Jared Wonderly.

    Motion carried 5 to 0.





    Jennifer Caryer moved and Stephanie Mazur seconded to approve the following resolution:          






    WHEREAS, the Board of Education of the Hicksville Exempted Village School District (the ā€œBoardā€) finds that the amount of taxes which may be raised within the ten-mill limitation by levies on the current tax duplicate will be insufficient to provide an adequate amount for the necessary requirements of the Board; and


                WHEREAS, the Board believes an income tax on the school district income of individuals and estates as defined in divisions (E)(1)(a) and (2) of section 5748.01 of the Revised Code, also known as a traditional income tax,may be the best means to adequately meet the necessary requirements of the School District; and


    WHEREAS, in order to assist it in determining whether to submit to the electors of the School District the question of a school district income tax pursuant to Section 5748.02 of the Revised Code, the Board, in accordance with Section 5748.02(A) of the Revised Code, wishes to know the respective rates at which it would be necessary to levy an ad valorem property tax and a school district income tax to produce the additional amount that will be adequate to meet the necessary requirements of the School District; and


    WHEREAS, in accordance with Division (A) of Section 5748.02 of the Revised Code, upon receipt of a certified copy of this Resolution declaring the necessity of raising annually a specified amount of money for school district purposes, the State Tax Commissioner is to estimate the property tax rate that would have to be imposed by this Board in the current year to produce an equivalent amount of money from an ad valorem property tax and the income tax rate that would have had to have been in effect for the current year to produce an equivalent amount of money from a school district income tax.


    NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVEDby the Board of Education of the Hicksville Exempted Village School District that: 






    This Board finds, determines and declares that it is necessary to raise annually the additional amount of [INSERT AMOUNT OF MONEY YOU ESTIMATE WOULD BE ANNUALLY GENERATED BY EACH INCOME TAX RATE YOU ARE CONSIDERING] Dollars ($900,000.00) for school district purposes and to levy either an additional ad valorem property tax outside the ten mill limitation or an income tax on the school district income of individuals and estates as defined in divisions (E)(1)(a) and (2) of section 5748.01 of the Revised Code, also known as a traditional income tax, for the purpose of providing for the current expenses of the Board of Education.  




    In accordance with Section 5748.02(A) of the Revised Code, the Board requests the State Tax Commissioner to estimate, for the May 7, 2019 election, both (a) the property tax rate that would have to be imposed by this Board in the current year to produce an amount equivalent to the amount specified in Section I from an additional ad valorem property tax; and (b) the income tax rate that would have had to have been in effect for the current year to produce an amount equivalent to the amount specified in Section I from a school district income tax.




    The Treasurer of this Board is authorized and directed to deliver a certified copy of this resolution to the State Tax Commissioner at the earliest possible time, but no later than 100 days prior to May 7, 2019




    This resolution shall be effective immediately upon its adoption by a vote of 2/3 or more of the entire Board.










    IT IS FOUND AND DETERMINEDthat all formal action of this Board of Education concerning or related to the adoption of this Resolution was adopted in an open meeting of this Board, and all deliberations of this Board that resulted in such formal action were adopted in meetings open to the public, in compliance with all applicable requirements of the Ohio Revised Code.  


    *** Vote: Ayes ā€“ Jennifer Caryer, Craig Eiden, Minda Jones, Stephanie Mazur, and Jared Wonderly.

    Motion carried 5 to 0.




    Jared Wonderly moved and Jennifer Caryer seconded to adjourn this meeting until the next board meeting to be held on Monday, January 7, 2019 at 6:00 p.m.


    *** Vote: Ayes ā€“ Jennifer Caryer, Craig Eiden, Minda Jones, Stephanie Mazur, and Jared Wonderly.

    Motion carried 5 to 0.



    _____________________________________          ___________________________________

    Board President                                                           Treasurer/C.F.O.